16000 سوال تستی زبان انگلیسی با جواب
سعی کنید ابتدا خودتان به هر تست پاسخ بدهید بعد سراغ جواب آن بروید
1- I don’t know _______ to telephone
A) whom did Tom want B) why was Tom going C) when is Tom D) who Tom was going
جواب : D
2- The doctor says, “The moisture in the air might affect your breathing.” He thinks that the moisture in the air _______.
A) might affect my breathing B) might affect your breathing C) would affect my breathing D) may affect your breathing
جواب: A
3- We‘ve been ______ with that firm for many years.
A) treating B) making business C) dealing D) supplying
- تعداد صفحات :437
- 16000 تست زبان